:: REMS Ex-Press Cu ::
Hand tube expander
Proven quality tool for expanding and calibrating tubes.
Soft copper tubes Ø 8–42 mm, Ø 3/8–11/8", s ≤
1.5 mm. Soft aluminium tubes, soft precision steel tubes Ø 8–42
mm, Ø 3/8–11/8", s ≤ 1.2 mm. Soft stainless steel tubes Ø
8–42 mm, Ø 3/8–11/8", s ≤1 mm.
REMS Ex-Press Cu – for making sockets yourself.
6-face mandrel for even and concentric expanding. Extra long sockets
according to DVGW. Expander heads with calibration neck, fit other
makes as well.